Saturday, April 30, 2005

The Day I Got Diagnosed with Compulsive Restiveness Disorder

I have been diagnosed with Compulsive Restiveness Disorder *also known as "Fucking Piss the Teacher Off Syndrome", darn must have been infected by the bloody rascals* now I will:

(1) use my pencils as drumstick and knock to the beat of Hotel California intro once every 30 seconds

(2) walk around my class/staff-room/bedroom/Principal's Office, attempting to disturb everyone within a 2 metre radius, once every 25 seconds

(3) ask a completely irrelevant question to whatever is currently being discussed once every 20 seconds

(4) doze off once every 15 seconds, and when Cher ask me to go wash my face, I will return to class only AFTER the bell rings

(5) when the teacher punishes me (which happens once every 10 seconds) by making me stand up *one of a few primitive avenue of punishment still avail to a teacher*, I take it as a direct order to go on an inspection tour of the class, recruiting more stand up kakis in the process

(6) raise my hand and tell my mother I wanna go to toilet once every 5 seconds *yes this is the only time kids raise their hands their mental psyche seem to convince them that hey since I am following the rule of raising my hand when asking a question, do fucking let me outta the room before I make a retaliatory strike*

(7) and am condemned to rocking my chair on 2 legs every second for the rest of my life, or whenever the teacher turns his head - whichever comes first.

It seems that MOE is trying to shut down my site... they claim that I am disrupting their recruitment drive... emm.. darn.. watever gave them the ideal... FINE if that how they wanna play it! I shall doze off every lesson and tuck out my shirt every time the Principal is not looking! Hrmph!


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