Thursday, March 17, 2005

Super Heroes

This was something that happened quite a few months back... but its so darn funny that I needa blog it. Ever thought about what super power would you really like to have? The following is me friends' wishlist.

The Teleporter! - Pa's choice.. must be cos ma live so fucking far from him. I have gotten our scientist to make modifications to his existing helmet to add in the teleport function

The Influencer! - Jie's choice.. haiz poor jie seldom is able to influence other pple's choice.. and usually ends up being influenced instead..

The Predictor! - Bubble Boy's choice.. Toto, 4D, Mahjong.. need I say more? A wise choice my son...

The Invisible Man! - Alphamale's choice.. u noe sneak into enemy compound to steal top secret documents.. rescue hostages.. important stuff like these *ooohhhh fingers cross nobody realise the.. erm "fun things" that can also be done*. Darn but me friends downgrade this power's usefulness by claiming that the invisibility can only work when nobody's looking at me.

The Vanquisher! - Ma's choice.. so she can kill me. But ah ha! I can turn meself invisible so her power's useless against me...

The Sniffer! - Anal Boy's choice... so he can help The Vanquisher sniff The Invisible Man out and she can vanquish him.

The Man Differentiator! - Pesky Jack Russell's choice. Just when we thought The Sniffer was useless.. along came The Man Differentiator! The Man Differentiator is able to to differentiate if a guy is good or bad (if taken in context at that time, it means if the guy is a good or bad partner i.e. bf/husband)... duh! The team decided to get The Influencer to influence The Man Differentiator to marry a bad guy!

** Thanks to some loserly friends, who chose useless powers, our goal to save the world is in jeopardy.. wonder if nice vilian Mr Magneto is willing to trade some of his mutants for my Sniffer & Man Differentiator. Wanna join my team? What would U wish for?**


Blogger 14 said...

Eh, i initially wanted to be a mind reader. But after hearing what captain said, i think it will only make you sad. So, i want to be The Ignorer! (Alphamales came up with the name) Hah, a power to not get so emotionally involved. When sad things occur, i'm able to heck care!

2:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

pesky jack russel is something new to me... *grr*

2:47 PM


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