Monday, March 14, 2005

Things About Me!

Yes!!! This blog is about me! Me! Me! Me!! Its a shrine I build for myself!! Its a URL I keep sending to all me friends non-stop!! Heh still trying to figure how to create a worm that will get me friends to forward the url of me blog to all their friends!! Just did one of the online quiz ur friends thingy! Wow scored full points.. a great feat considering I do not know that person.. heh yes, I am a sucker for quizes. Decided to do something similar here, not in a quiz format but in a Q&A form.

Qn 01: How many dogs have I owned?

THREE! The 1st was a black short sauage look alike thingy! That was when I was vvvv young. The 2nd was me favourite. It appeared one morning at me door step; incredible considering I live in a HDB flat. Brought it to the poilice post.. and when i returned from school, I found out tt me mum had claimed it from the police post! Sob.. but it ended up really sad. If i keep a list of life's regrets, this would rank among top 3. Somehow I worked out that we cant keep it and I returned it to the police post *tearing, sob*. If I could do it all over again, its would be different. The 3rd was this stray dog tt ended out behind me grandma's shop house. Another brief stay cos the owners claimed it back.. ggrrrr.

Qn 02: How many instances of strange encounters have I had?

TWO! The one which most of my hostel friends are very familar with is my talking tigger... wooo hooo hooo hoo! It started talking on its own one morning. I thought it was me roomie playing a trick on me; tt was till i realised that he was still sleeping on his bed. Till now I really hope its just a malfunction, that orangy thingy is still in me cupboard, if anyone wants it just ask. The 2nd instance was at Ron's ECP chalet. Ron, Anal Boy, butt head and meself were playing bridge in the wee morning hours, when the freaking SLIDING door behind me slammed shut on its own!!! Darn. *Okie if this was a trick played on me, u f**kers better own up*

Qn 03: Am I left or right handed?

Well this is a tricky one. I think I was borned left handed that's till me uncles/aunties decided to convert me to a rightie.. grrr... tt explains why i brush teeth with me left hand, wear me watch on me right hand and have f**king ugly handwriting!

Qn 04: Whats me favourite number?

4 & 19. For jersies I usually take 11 as i normally play on the left flank. Yes I am a right footer who plays on the left flank. Why I always play on the left flank (in any game/sport)? Seriously I don't know.. I just have this natural drift left tendency.. vv strange..

Qn 05: How many businesses have the entrepreneurial me started?

TWO. Yes yes the first one fail and the 2nd one is in the process of failing! *grrrr*

Qn 06: How many times have I taken the driving test?

Erm seriously I have lost count. I know I flunk 3 times for the class 4 driving test in army (where the pass rate is >90%). As for civilian class 3, I think I flunk 4 times, once in BBDC and thrice at Ubi Comfort (this' considered really bad cos I took under school!). So total is SEVEN. Okies I think i have proved beyond doubt that I am an awful driver.. heh on the flip side, I can drive a 3 tonner, land rover, unimog, car and motorbike!!! Wow Wow.

Qn 07: Top 5 habits which I personnally consider to be anal/disgusting.

(A) Extreme preference for squatting type toilets when shitting; especially in public washrooms! To use a sittting type means to risk having the bacteria fill water splash up to my butt. When using the squatting type I usually face the opposite direction to avoid the splashes (I think only the Taiwaneses know how to correctly design squatting toilet bowls). When using sitting type, I needa first lay down tons of toilet paper! (Heh to friends whose toilets I have graced.. the mystery of the disappearing toilet rolls is finally solved)

(B) Drooling in my sleep.

(C) Always going for the seat third row from the back on the left hand side of the bus! I love to people watch, and I consider this to be the best seat available.

(D) Packing my room/table/cupboard/shelf.. every 2 hours.

(E) Confguring the "quick launch panel" and "my computer" for all me friends' computers I can get my hands on.

Qn 08: Top 5 things I suk at

(A) Maths * I think I still hold the record for NJC Science Stream*
(B) Driving
(C) Sit Ups
(D) Giving Speeches
(E) Playing all kind of musical instruments. Yes my singing suck too.. *sob*

Qn 09: Top 5 things that pisses the shit off me

(A) People being angry with me.
(B) People Ignoring me.
(C) People who breaks off halfway in arguments/discussions
(D) Finding something, I really wanna wanna buy, sold out.
(E) Missing the Bus

Qn 10: Top 5 things that make me happy

(A) Smell of suntan lotion
(B) Having a fufilling discussion/chat
(C) Getting nicey snail mails from friends
(D) Sun Rise/Sun Set
(E) People being happy with me

Qn 11: Top 5 things I am proudest

(A) My friends *aawwwwwww....esp loserclub & me hall friends*
(B) Getting Captain of the Year
(C) Getting onto the Dean's List
(D) Topping my entire standard for Science when I was in Pri 5 *yes yes roomie u top ur school's standard overall and for most subject every year!! Grrrrrrrr*
(E) Writing and directing a play which won NJ Playhouse


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