The Day I Pressed the OM's Red Button
Too lazy to type an entry... so shall just cut and paste my conversation with Ma.
*AtomicAnt* says:
idler says:
*AtomicAnt* says:
I have a new nomination for blooper of the year 2009
idler says:
*AtomicAnt* says:
and so the story goes...
idler says:
wait are u the winner?
*AtomicAnt* says:
our sch has a lightning warnign system: when there is a warning alert, the OM will on a switch at his desk to swith on the warning lights
*AtomicAnt* says:
this siren look alike thingy
idler says:
*AtomicAnt* says:
so yesterday me stupid HOD went to on it at 4:30
idler says:
*AtomicAnt* says:
.. then at 4:43pm he ask me to switch it off again .., cos warning cancelled
idler says:
*AtomicAnt* says:
so I went to the OM's cubicle.. to try find the switch
*AtomicAnt* says:
*act i on b4 but i forgot which one is it*
*AtomicAnt* says:
i cannot find...
*AtomicAnt* says:
then i saw this red button... tt looks exactly like a nuclear launch button...
*AtomicAnt* says:
so I pressed it.
idler says:
idler says:
ur pinky n the brain instincts in act ah
idler says:
idler says:
di u dimwit
*AtomicAnt* says:
SIngapore police quite good...
idler says:
idler says:
what was the timing?
*AtomicAnt* says:
they responded within seconds
idler says:
idler says:
idler says:
ya *Smurfville* near the police post somemore
idler says:
enot bad
idler says:
they usually take 3 mins to get here
idler says:
hahahahahaha di
idler says:
idler says:
*AtomicAnt* says:
how the hell i know got this kind of button??!!
*AtomicAnt* says:
we are not a bank
idler says:
ur itchy fingers lah
idler says:
idler says:
in case some kid decides to murder u
idler says:
or set fire
idler says:
or bomb
idler says:
idler says:
idler says:
i must tell my friends
idler says:
idler says:
first my mother
idler says:
idler says:
dear seriously
idler says:
the day di pressed the wrong button
idler says:
*AtomicAnt* says:
wat if some innocent teacher just wanna off the lightning alert system?!
idler says:
good ep
idler says:
idler says:
u innocent
idler says:
u bloody idiot
idler says:
idler says:
ur P never kill u ah?
idler says:
good point to add in epms
*AtomicAnt* says:
actually u are rite... its a wonder why Darwin's rule of natural selection haven applied ot me yet
idler says:
out of all ur idiotic stuff
idler says:
this one tops it all off
idler says:
time to take leave to study
idler says:
ur brains becoming *Smurfville-fied
*AtomicAnt* says:
The year is still young... when I'm on a roll.. i am capable of much more
idler says:
idler says:
di this button thingy shld be part of induction
idler says:
put in ESSS
idler says:
get popular voucher out of this also good
*AtomicAnt* says:
I don't think I should put this in my resume when applying for Nuclear Safety Inspector rite....
Ok. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT press the RED BUTTON at the OM Cubicle!!!