Tuesday, August 02, 2005

My Hall Reminds Me Of YOU!

Disclaimer: Just penning down me thoughts.

Day 2 in hall. One friend made, hahah not helped by the fact my room is located in the furthest reaches of Siberia *yes the hall officer don’t like me*. My right pinkie finger has over taken me thumb as my fattest finger and my left ankle no longer allows me to move side ways. Yup a normal day in the loserly life of alphamale.

Oh the biggest news in recent week is that one of the Loser Club’s member is getting engaged!! Wow! Darn.. going to lose my upsized bet. Its kinda scary really.. many in loser club are settling down. It kinda sets one thinking yah? I have just been demoted from Cher to student, life’s in a state of flux and I still do not want to settle down. There’s so much more to do in life!! But that said, I am starting to believe that it could be that should one meet THE ONE, he/she will wanna settle down asap.. hmm let me ponder.. when your partner says she doesn’t want to settle down yet, does it means that she still have doubts over whether u are the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with?

Another sad thing in life, which hit me this couple of months, is that relationships are all about timing/fate. Starting to believe and accept that people usually do not marry the love of their life *hmm lets not be dragged into the arguments of whether there is in deed THE ONE*. For many, having spent early adult-hood searching for love, they seem to give up their search, lower their standards and grab whoever comes along @ the time they decide to settle down. Then there are those we meet too early or too late... Hmm hmmm let me ponder and observe more. *Another interesting discussion, which would deserve an entry on its own is "Would you rather be with the person who loves you most or the person whom you love most?". I argued for the former, haha but I know when it comes to the crunch, I will still choose the latter*

My hall really reminds me of my ex-gf. The same canteen we used to visit. The lay outs of the blocks, bedrooms, bathrooms, lounges, laundry rooms are all the same! It sets me thinking.. if I had got into NIE straight after graduating from accountancy, we might still have been together *alternatively me might have actually succeeded in killing each other* then we might get engaged, then I would have won my upsize!!! Hahah life is such! Best wishes to the soon to engage couple! I wanna be the best man!!!!!!!

Short snippets of my NIE week:

Day 1: I learnt that basketball can kill.. goodbye to my left ankle and right pinkie finger
Day 2: Yay I am the libero!! Fun lahz but tiring.. and in the end both teams hate me!!! Grrr…


Blogger Master Choco In Dry Ice said...

Great insight abt finding love, JJB... great insight indeed...

9:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's being human for u - never satisfied. I's like finding jobs.
1. You get the 'perfect' job - then you start realising all the downsides to it.
2. You get a job knowing it doesn't match up to your standards.
3. You get the perfect job - but everything changes with the new boss.
4. you get the perfect job - then one day you think: hey, job B sounds interesting tooooo...

Whichever the situation, people always think they are entitled to whine about not having the perfect job or love.

But, is there a perfect situation?

One shouldn't seek perfection but contentment.

-- Z.

10:31 PM

Blogger Jillinatub said...

Love is about timing/fate. I can't agree more. love is also a choice... learning to love someone's imperfections perfectly.

2:12 PM


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